Kick-start your plans for online learning
Create your blueprint for success with our expert-led Clarity workshop
Turn your knowledge and skills into online learning: the right way
If you’re unsure how to digitise your expertise, our interactive Clarity workshop will help us identify the right route forward for you.
Delivered over two half-day sessions online, we’ll help you understand the potential in your business, tease out your options and shape your ideas into an easy-to-action blueprint.
How it works
You’ve probably tried to figure out this online learning ‘thing’ already. But like many subject experts, it can be difficult to get a know what to do and how to go about it.
Luckily for you, our Clarity workshop is specifically designed to marry your knowledge of your business with our expertise in bringing online learning products to market.
We’ll bring a fresh perspective and provide tailored recommendations to ensure your plans for online learning are a success.
What we’ll explore

You and your business
We want to understand what makes your business unique, what’s delivered your success to date and what makes you tick.

Your vision
We want to know your aims and ambitions for the future and how online learning fits in with this.

Your audience
We’ll dig into the profile of your learners, clients and other key stakeholders to understand how they think and feel.

Product ideas
We’ll work together to shape potential online learning products that could add value to your business.

Learning experience
We’ll consider what learning format will have the best impact on your customers.

Learning technology
We’ll identify what learning platform options can best support your plans.

We’ll consider how to integrate your new product into your business to maximise it’s impact.

Next steps
We’ll identify how we can turn your plans into a effective and engaging online product.
A springboard for success
Our Clarity workshop is the perfect way to identify the right approach to online learning for your business, before you make a significant time and capital investment.
After the sessions, we’ll reflect on our discussions and create a comprehensive blueprint document for your training business. With this, you’ll have the clarity and know-how to take your next step in online learning.
Who is the workshop for?
The Clarity workshop is for any subject expert or training provider who:
- Is frustrated about the untapped potential in their business.
- Wants to take their expertise online for the first time
- Wants to get more from their online or blended training
- Is struggling to get any interest from their clients in their online offering
- Feels they’ve made the wrong decisions around online learning formats or learning platforms.
How is the workshop delivered?
The workshop is delivered online over two half-day sessions, typically a week apart.
These sessions are interactive and involve some deep discussions!
You know your business better than anyone else. Our role is to use this information to help you flesh out your ideas and overlay our expertise.
Expect to be asked many challenging questions that’ll help us formulate the right plan for you.
Where does the workshop take place?
We deliver the Clarity workshop entirely online using video conferencing. We prefer Google Meet.
What if I decide online learning isn’t for me right now, or I want to look elsewhere?
The workshop isn’t a sales pitch and there’s no obligation for you to choose us to execute your plans.
Indeed, if we don’t think it’s the right time for you to start your online learning journey, or that we’re not the right fit for you, we’ll let you know why and help you find alternative options.
Will you help me understand which learning platform is right for me?
Choosing the right learning technologies is a critical decision in the process. We have a broad understanding of the different types of learning platforms available.
Although we can develop custom learning solutions for our clients, we’ll be very clear if we don’t think this is the right option for you.
Indeed for some, an online learning platform like Teachable, Thinkific or Coassemble may be the better choice. If this is the case, we’ll explain why and help you identify the right one for you.
How much does the workshop cost?
Simply book an initial discovery call and we can advise on price and current availability.
How can I book a Clarity Workshop?
Simply book an initial discovery call so we can better understand your needs and check your suitability.