The Medium is the Message


We’ve all experienced “death by PowerPoint“.

You know the drill. The trainer turns off the lights, switches on the projector and starts reading off bullet points from a series of boring slides for what seems like an age.

You can tell they’ve done this a thousand times before too. You’re not sure who is more bored, the speaker or you.

Instead of sparking discussion or engaging the room, the session becomes a exercise in endurance.

It’s such a shame. You were really interested in the topic, but know this is going to be hours of your life you’re never going to get back.

Instead the monotone delivery and reliance on static slides sucks the energy out of the room.

This illustrates the essence of Marshall McLuhan’s famous phrase: “The medium is the message.”

It suggests that the character of the medium, and not the information it carries, shapes how that information is received, processed, and acted upon.

For subject experts like consultants and training providers, this concept has profound implications.

In short, your audience’s perception of your expertise isn’t just influenced by what is said but how it’s delivered.

Format and Impact

Consider this: a downloadable PDF guide and an interactive video course could be based on the exact same content, but the experience for the user would be entirely different.

The PDF might feel static and less engaging, while the video course could come across as dynamic, modern, and more impactful.

On the flipside, the PDF may feel more accessible and digestible, and require less effort to ‘digest’.

Either way, how the information is delivered will have an influence on the perceived value, the level of engagement and the ultimate impact.

That’s why choosing the right format for your expertise is as important as crafting the message itself.

Examples of Mediums and Their Perceived Qualities

1. The Workshop
Qualities: Hands-on, interactive, and personal.
Effect: Great for small groups where live feedback and collaboration are critical.

2. The Presentation
Qualities: Clear, concise, and visually impactful.
Effect: Ideal for delivering high-level overviews or inspiring keynotes but risks being underwhelming without strong visuals and delivery.

3. The On-Demand Online Course
Qualities: Scalable, accessible, and structured.
Effect: Perfect for reaching a broad audience while maintaining depth and a strong narrative.

4. The Cohort-based Online Course
Qualities: Collaborative, immersive, and guided.
Effect: Encourages peer learning and accountability, making it ideal for in-depth exploration and skill development with real-time interaction.

5. The eBook
Qualities: Authoritative and detailed.
Effect: Ideal for audiences who want to read and reflect at their own pace, as well as establishing your credibility.

6. The Short Video
Qualities: Quick, engaging, and approachable.
Effect: Effective for bite-sized insights and social media visibility, but limited in impact beyond ‘lightbulb’ moments.

7. The Podcast
Qualities: Personal, conversational, and intimate.
Effect: Builds trust and a sense of connection over time.

Choosing the Right Format

If you’re a subject expert looking to communicate your knowledge effectively, consider how the format choice can impact the message itself.

Start with understanding your audience and their needs, their environment and existing capabilities.

Then consider which medium is most appropriate for the desired outcome. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Repurpose the same content into various formats (including combinations of these) and see what gains traction with your audience.

As subject experts, our job isn’t just to deliver information. It’s to deliver impact. And the medium we choose is a critical part of how we create that impact.

Next time you’re crafting a course, guide, or training, don’t just ask, “What do I want to say?”. Instead ask, “How will the medium affect how this could be received?”.

(Irony klaxon: You may get more value from the insights on our YouTube channel, if video is your thing).

Andy Jack

Andy Jack

Andy loves helping subject experts, authors, speakers, coaches and key persons of influence to monetise their expertise with online learning. When not on his laptop, he'll usually be found up a mountain!

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