6 beliefs that prevent subject experts from creating an online learning product


Many subject experts hesitate to create online learning products due to common misconceptions that come up time and time again in conversation.

Here are the top 6 reasons we hear:

1. “I’m not confident with technology”

Reality: There are heaps of user-friendly learning platforms that make it easier than ever to create and manage online learning products without needing advanced technical skills. Alternatively, if you want a custom platform that’ll work for your business, hire the experts to build and manage this for you.

2. “Someone will steal my IP”

Reality: This is a content-mindset. With all your clients, you are selling the implementation—helping them overcome their challenges. Focus on this in your product design, and the IP concern will become less significant.

3. “I don’t need an online product”

Reality: As Bob Dylan once said, ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’. Your core audience may prefer in-person sessions, but you could be missing out on additional revenue by not having a scalable online alternative. If you’re selling to the C-suite, others in the organisation would likely benefit from your expertise too.

4. “It’s far too big a project for me to undertake”

Reality: Turning your expertise into a commercially successful online learning product can be complex, especially if it’s new to you. Fortunately, there are experienced companies that can support you every step of the way.

5. “I need to be involved in every aspect of delivery”

Reality: You don’t need to be involved in every step. Your value comes from connecting people, sharing stories, and aligning theory with real-world context. Much of this can be captured in on-demand online materials, which you can complement with live sessions. This approach is more effective for your clients and more efficient for you.

6. “Online learning can’t capture the magic of an in-person course”

Reality: There’s something special about getting people in a room with a common purpose. However, the ‘magic’ of face-to-face workshops often lies in the connections, watercooler moments, and opportunities to collaborate. With the right design, online learning can facilitate much of this too, through live Zoom workshops, Slack or WhatsApp back channels, and course discussions.


If you’re not sure about online learning, let us change your thinking. Assess your potential with our scorecard or book your discovery call.

Andy Jack

Andy Jack

Andy loves helping subject experts, authors, speakers, coaches and key persons of influence to monetise their expertise with online learning. When not on his laptop, he'll usually be found up a mountain!

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