How to Scale Your Expertise With Online Learning


As someone who has spent the last 8 years working with many high-profile subject experts, I want to share with you some of the basics of why it’s so important to have a strategy (and solution) for online learning.

In today’s fast-paced, digital world, scaling your expertise through online learning is no longer a nice-to-have – it’s a necessity. And it’s not just about lengthy Zoom calls and Teams meets, it’s about having a versatile digital offering that can flex for you and your clients.

Without an online learning offering in your product set, you risk limiting your reach, having less impact, and missing out on significant growth opportunities.
Here’s why getting it right matters and how you can create a compelling online learning offering that’ll power your business to greater success.

The Drawbacks of Having No Online Learning Offering

  1. Limited Reach: Traditional methods of sharing expertise, such as in-person workshops and training events severely limits your audience. This limitation can significantly cap your potential influence and impact.
  2. Inefficiency: One-on-one or small group interactions (whether face-to-face or online) can be time-consuming, limiting how many people you can help within a given timeframe. This inefficiency limits how many clients you can serve, and in turn how much revenue you can generate.
  3. Missed Opportunities: Without an online presence, you miss out on the wider demand for your knowledge. Your clients may have people that would also greatly benefit from your expertise but never have the chance to learn from you.

The Positives of Getting Online Learning Right

  1. Scalability: An online learning products come in many different shapes and formats. Get it right and you can help many more people with your client’s organisations. This scalability means that your expertise can have a far greater impact, transforming more lives and driving more change.
  2. Flexibility: Online learning products give learners the flexibility to engage with your material on their terms, and for you to tailor your services according to your clients needs. Combining on-demand elements with live workshops makes you a more attractive offering while giving you more control.
  3. Sustainability: Once created, online learning products can be reused and recycled with minimal effort, providing a sustainable way to share your knowledge without continuously reworking your content.
  4. Revenue Streams: Online learning can open up new revenue streams, diversifying your income and providing financial stability. From subscription models to licensing fees, the financial opportunities can be significant.

The Method for Creating an Online Learning Offering

We have a proven 5-step process to help subject experts create online learning products that are commercially successful.

  1. Shape Your Offering: With a dedicated focus on your clients and their challenges, craft the initial product design of your offering. Identify the first phase of your offering and your go-to market plan.
  2. Validate and Prime Your Market: Test your offering with your clients and refine your proposition. Start building interest and demand for your product before you’ve created any content.
  3. Build Your Product: Create your first phase product on a robust learning platform that can scale. Invest in an engaging learning experience and content to have a real impact on your learners.
  4. Pilot and Launch: Trial your product with a trusted client, get their feedback and refine this before you announce your offering to the world.
  5. Scale Up: On-board new clients and continually refine as you gather feedback. Maintain your content and platform to ensure your delivery stays robust.

Your knowledge and skills are too valuable not to be shared with the world.

Creating a successful online learning offering isn’t just about your knowledge; it’s about creating an attractive and scalable proposition that gets results for your clients.

By scaling your expertise with online learning, you can attract better customers, reach new markets and have more impact – all on your terms.

Is online learning the right opportunity for you? Assess your potential with our free scorecard.

Andy Jack

Andy Jack

Andy loves helping subject experts, authors, speakers, coaches and key persons of influence to monetise their expertise with online learning. When not on his laptop, he'll usually be found up a mountain!

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