Should You Turn Your Expertise into an Online Learning Product?


One of the most common questions we get asked by potential clients is whether we think they should create an online course or programme.

That’s completely understandable as it can require a significant time and capital investment into creating a product that attracts attention and delivers the impact that their existing products and services deliver.

Over the years we’ve helped many inspiring industry leaders, coaches, consultants and training providers turn their knowledge and skills into unique learning products.

As such we have learned that there are seven key factors that dictate whether a subject expert will be a success with online learning (or not):

High online learning potential

To maximise their chances of success, a subject expert needs to rank highly on each of the criteria. Let’s dig into each of these in turn:

1. Clarity of Purpose

This is the first and perhaps most critical factor.

Subject experts need to have a clear view on why they wish to add an online learning product to their portfolio. Is it to reach more clients? Have more impact? Open new markets? Free up their time? Create efficiencies? And how will you measure whether online learning is a success or not?

Their ambitions for online learning will significantly influence the approach to the project and the design of the product, so a firm view of this from the outset is key.

They also need to have clarity on why and how online learning will help their clients overcome their business challenges. You may have a keen desire to create an online masterclass, but specifically what value will it provide to your audience?

Being able to precisely articulate why you want to build an online product and how it will serve your client base is crucial for success.

2. In-Demand Product

The second factor is the strength of your existing products and services.

Do you have a standout product that people want? Do your services deliver (and exceed) the outcomes your client is looking for?

One obvious indicator is in your pricing. You may find that you have to be very careful of how you are priced against your competition. You may also struggle to charge a premium compared to others competing for your client’s budget. If so, then you may need to differentiate your core product first before considering online learning.

Many subject experts fall into the trap of thinking that because an online learning product can be delivered without any geographical restrictions, it will immediately open up a tidal wave of inbound leads. This couldn’t be further from the truth – without a compelling offering that people care about you’ll struggle to get any attention.

3. Prominent Profile

Your existing profile is the third critical factor. Are you well-known in your field? Are you the go-to person for what you do? When you Google your name, how often do you appear on the front page of search results?

Having a visible profile is key to success. Whether you’re planning on selling your new offering into an organisation or directly to individuals, you need to have a captive audience that will be interested in your new online learning product and has the propensity to buy.

Our ideal clients have a strong following on social media, an extensive mailing list and a strong track record of getting sales when bringing other products and services to market.

Importantly too, they often have distinct opinions that they are known for. In an attention-based economy, subject experts that thrive and prepared to sit on the fence any longer – they have something unique to say and aren’t afraid of sharing it.

4. Proven Credibility

Credibility is the fourth pillar. You may have a high profile, but underneath it all, do you actually know what you’re talking about? This may seem obvious, but with the rise of AI it’s become increasingly easy for anyone to position themselves as an expert without having years of experience under their belts.

Prospective clients need evidence. This could be a wealth of case studies and testimonials from recognisable brands that add weight to your track record. It could be a comprehensive YouTube channel where they share their thoughts on their area of expertise. You can also prove your expertise through published books, trademarked frameworks or other intellectual property.

How do you demonstrate your credibility?

5. Strong Network

A strong network underpins any subject experts’ business. Do you have a consistent pipeline of work? Can people clearly articulate what you do? Do you have access to clients that want to actively work with you to develop your products?

Without it, you may struggle to keep your finger on the pulse of your client’s challenges and how you can help solve their issues. We always recommend piloting any new online learning product with a trusted client, so having a black book of potential partners is going to be a critical part of ensuring your offering actually works (and creating the evidence of this too).

6. Scalable Processes

The sixth factor is robust processes. If you want to scale your expertise with online learning, your underlying business must already have resilience baked into it.
This includes having business assets such as brand guidelines, contracts, sales presentations and documented processes to support your growth.

We’ve found that the subject experts that are best primed to scale have often had external coaches or mentors review their business processes to help them find any chinks in their ways of working.

Online learning products have huge potential to scale your business. But before you pour extra fuel into the tank of your car, make sure your tyres still have plenty of grip.

7. Skilled Team

Finally, the team you have around you is vital. This doesn’t necessarily mean having a vast army of employees or even freelancers in your business, but you need to have a group of trusted experts supporting you in the delivery of your work.

As the face of your business, your time is best spent building connections, developing your unique ideas and adding value where it’s needed most. The subject experts that are most likely to succeed with online learning realise that being in the engine room of their business all the time is only going to hold them back rather than expedite their growth.

So, do you have the potential to scale your expertise with online learning?

To see how you rank against all 7 factors, check out our free scorecard and get your personalised report.

Andy Jack

Andy Jack

Andy loves helping subject experts, authors, speakers, coaches and key persons of influence to monetise their expertise with online learning. When not on his laptop, he'll usually be found up a mountain!

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