Ship the online course you’ve always talked about.

We provide the strategic and technical know-how to turn your expertise into a thriving digital business

Are you making the most of your client relationships?

If you have a deep understanding and a demonstrable credibility for your chosen subject area, there’s never been a better time to monetise your expertise at scale.

Organisations and individuals around the world are desperate for access to knowledge and skills (like yours) to help them be better at what they do.

Yet many subject experts are failing to take full advantage of this opportunity. Indeed, some struggle to know where to start at all.

Virtual training

This is because a successful digital offering involves much more than just creating an online course.

We work with ambitious experts to create learning products that are informed by strategic thinking, guided by commercial intelligence and crafted with care.

Partner with us, and we’ll create high-impact learning experiences that’ll transform your clients, your learners, and your business.

Beacon: Our Proven Process to Launch Your Online Course

Having worked with many subject experts to help them add an innovative online learning product to their portfolio, we know the critical process to bring your offering to life.

Our streamlined process will distill your ideas into a feasible plan, turn this into an incredible product then launch it to the world.

Click on the icons to explore Beacon in more detail.

Our Expertise

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Identifying the optimal approach that’s right for your business.

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Learning Product Design

Learning Product Design

Helping you create high value online learning experiences that’ll delight and positively-impact your audience.

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Course Creation

Course Creation

Crafting interactive and engaging online learning content.

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Custom LMS Development

Custom LMS Development

Building a flexible learning platform that will scale as you grow.

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Business Integration

Business Integration

Ensuring your new online programme works well with your other products, your systems and your business processes.

Commercial and Technical Support

Commercial and Technical Support

Helping you maximise the results of your new product (while taking care of all the technical details).

Martin Mellor

“Creating an online offering had been in my plans for some time.

I had become increasingly of the view that there had to be a ‘better way’ of supporting people with finance training online and it all came together working with Candle Digital.”

Martin Mellor

Martin Mellor

Finance Expert

Repurpose your expertise into a variety of formats

Self-Study Online Learning

Self-Study Online Learning

On-demand online courses open up new markets and clients at scale – without the expense of live delivery.

We’re experts at designing and crafting online learning products that help training businesses grow.

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Group-Based Blended Learning

Group-Based Blended Learning

Combining live video calls with on-demand online learning materials is a proven way of maximising your impact while using your precious contact time more effectively.

We design effective blended training programmes so subject experts can have a deep impact with more people more efficiently.

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Resource Hubs

Resource Hubs

Training providers often have a wealth of materials that are underutilised.

We can help you turn your presentations, workbooks, handouts and blogs into a valuable bank of resources to help your learners when they need it and open up new commercial opportunities for your business.

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Case Study

Case study: Online learning platform for international business culture experts


Keith Warburton had thousands of visitors accessing his Global Business Culture website each week – yet had no way of monetising this traffic.

We helped Keith turn his extensive expertise on working across borders into a subscription-based learning platform that was packed with mini-courses, resources and video masterclasses.

Global Business Compass now generates annual recurring income for Keith and he’s got a powerful digital product to sell to his corporate clients too.

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Who we work with

Who we work with

If you’re a credible expert with a burning desire to monetise your knowledge in new ways, then you could be our next success story.

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About us

About us

Put your project in the hands of the experts. We’ve worked with many specialists to help them productise their skills and knowledge.

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Let's turn your expertise into powerful online learning.

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